My name is Auri. I’m originally from Franklin PA and moved to Pittsburgh about 6 years. I work as an Office Supervisor for a Physical Therapy office, and a paranormal investigator by night. I have always been interested in the paranormal. I experienced a lot of paranormal activity when I was a kid. I can sense ghost, hear and see them. I get a sense when they are good and not so good. This started when I was 7 and I would hear them trying to talk to me. First, I was scared but I talked to my grandma about what I was experiencing and she told me to listen closely to them because they are trying to tell me something. I took her advice and as I got older I found myself not as scared to what was happening to me. My biggest paranormal experience was in the Franklin house I grew up in and probably one of the most haunted. I would see a little girl walking around my house and she loved to play games. There was an episode when me and my friend were playing hide and seek and I was it. I started to seek out my friend which I thought I saw her so I started to follow her around until she went into my room and hid in the closet. I was just about ready to open the closet door to tag my friend when she came walking into my room. She asked me what I was doing because she was hiding for such a long time. I then began to realize it wasn’t my friend that I was following around the house but the spirit of this little girl. Of course I freaked out because I thought I was playing hide and seek with my friend not a ghost. I have so many stories about this house, so feel free to ask if you dare. The first location I have investigated was Millers Farm near Titusville, PA, a lot of activity happened there. One rememberable experience I had at Millers Farm was of this full figured little girl that running away from a dark figure directly in front of me. I knew after that night, I wanted to see and explore more places while using the gift I have. I am happy and excited to be a part of Whispering Souls Paranormal Investigations and have the opportunity to investigate various places, see what evidence we collect and show the team what I am able to bring.